Riga in a Day - Touring the Baltics Part 2/3

My next destination on the 3 countries in 3 days tour was the Latvian capital, Riga.

Latvian Academy of Science Observatory, Riga.

Getting there:

Plane: Similar to Tallinn, as it is a capital city, Riga is very accessible and has an international airport, connected to both major and budget airlines.

Bus: Buses run frequently from Estonia and Lithuania and provide a good economical mode of transport.

I took the Lux Express bus from Tallinn to Riga, which cost €16 for a one way ticket. The journey took 4 hours and with the comfort on board, coupled with decent wifi, it was a breeze.

Time to visit:

As with Tallinn, I travelled at the beginning of April and the weather was relatively cool but not freezing, 10-12° C, during the day, and  6-8° C in the evening. The day was usually sunny, got a random burst of rain for 30 minutes, so always beware!

Things to do:

Another city centred around the Old Town (Vecriga), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Riga has loads to offer. Bring a comfortable pair shoes as its cobbled streets look pretty, but can be hard on your feet.

Along with the Old Town, Riga also some great spots to enjoy views of the city, and one of them is not a place you would expect to find it, the Latvian Academy of Sciences!

Where to stay:

I would recommend staying near the Old Town or the city centre. I went basic with this one and stayed at the Ibis in the centre, about a 15 minute walk from the Old Town.

It was as you would expect an Ibis to be, functional and budget friendly, €40 for the night.

(Disclaimer: this is not sponsored).

Riga in (less than) a day suggested itinerary:

(Assuming you start in the City Centre, near the train station)

9:00am: Start in the City Centre and enjoy a view of the Central Station Clock, Riga’s answer to the Big Ben.

10:00am: Make your way to the Latvian Academy of Science, which is about a 20 minute walk away. Make your way to the observatory and enjoy great views of Riga. (Note: it costs €6 to go up there).

View from the Latvia Academy of Sciences Observatory.

11:00am: Make your way to the Old Town and have stroll around, make sure to grab a coffee and a snack in one of the many bars and cafes around. I satiated my pancake cravings by having a stack at the ‘This Place Doesn’t Need a Name Cafe’. Yes, that’s what it is called.

Pancakes at the ‘This Place Doesn’t Need a Name’ Cafe

1:00pm: Next stop in the Old Town is the St. Peters Church, the best of Riga’s many churches. You can go up to enjoy panoramic views of the city, a ticket costs €9.

3:00pm: Finally, stop by at the Central Market, just next to the bus station, browse the stalls selling fresh produce, meat, fish, and dairy products, and sample some of the local delicacies.

That was another quick trip for me and I was off to the bus stop again for my next destination.

Tips and what you should know:

  • Currency: The local currency is Euro, some smaller cafes and shops were cash only so make sure you have some spare just in case.

  • Cost: I found it be be slightly cheaper than Tallinn, and a decent meal would be around €6-8.

  • Language: Most people if restaurants and cafes speak English but it was a challenge at times when asking people for directions.

  • Transport: If you visit for a short period and only do the main sites, they can easily be covered on foot. There are buses but I did not use them. Taxi’s and apps like Uber and Bolt are very available.

  • Pro tip: The underground walkways in the City Centre, outside the Central Station, are a real maze! So make sure you know where you are going and make sure to take the correct exit. I messed this up every time…

One of the many entrances to the dreaded walkway

Final Verdict on Riga:

Riga offers a great mix of culture and history and is a good option for a short city break. Beyond that there was not much else to do so probably not on the repeat list, but you never know.


Day Trip to Vilnius - Touring the Baltics Part 3/3


Tallinn in 24 hours - Touring the Baltics Part 1/3